This food market is located around one of the main streets of San Juan so that it is accessible to all people. It is in a convenient location. The boxes outside are usually filled with some type of produce whether that be oranges, mangoes, avocados, bananas, plantains etc. One can either chose from the small outside selection and bring it inside to purchase it- or one may go inside for a wider selection of items depending on ones wants and needs. This is a representation of the AMA bus transportation in Puerto Rico. For my Geography of Latin America class we needed to build models to represent a more sustainable way of living. I chose to represent a bus that is in Puerto Rico- hopefully somewhere in the near future it will be converted to electric instead of gas. This will help eliminate some air pollution. This is a representation of a how I imagine a house would look like in Puerto Rico. Upon reviewing some similar images of how houses look in Puerto Rico I came up with this model.
The link above will take you to a map that has listed all of the airports/heliports that are located in Puerto Rico. You will be able to browse around and click each dot to see what airport/heliport it is. I chose to include this because airports are essential to the economic development of cities and countries. Airports facilitate tourism and trade which is a large portion of economic growth.
The link above will take you to a map that has listed all of the emergency hospitals that are located in Puerto Rico. You will be able to browse around and click each dot to see what hospital it is. I chose to include this because hospitals are important in a way that they provide vital services for those ill with diseases, sicknesses, or even in the event of serious injury.